Friday, 26 February 2010

Salam Maulidur Rasul

Jadikan anak-anak kita mereka yang cintakan Allah dan rasulNya. Tidak takut mempertahankan Agamanya walau terpaksa membayar dengan harga yang tinggi.
Tidak menggadaikan maruah agamanya hanya kerana kuasa dan kedudukan. Yang tetap istiqamah berjuang walau kadangkala bercanggah dari pendapat golongan disertainya.
Masa depan terletak di tangan mereka!

Ya Allah selamatkan keturunan kami

Tadika Arif Minda

Monday, 8 February 2010

STAEDTLER Colouring Contest


Today, 8th Feb 2010, Tadika Arif Minda 1 morning session (TAM 1) have been visited by Staedtler Company. They have been very generous to conduct special colouring contest for our students. The Staedtler team has also conducted special class on how to colour correctly and later try to win the colouring contest.

To those students/parents - especially TAM 1,
please refer to the given CD by the team
TAM 1 afternoon and TAM 2 students will be visited by them on 1st March, InsyaAllah.
6 years winners of the colouring contest

5 Years winners

AlimKids Program at Arif Minda

Dear all Parents & Guardians,

Tadika Arif Minda is also conducting special program with ALIM Consultancy and Resources for ALIMKids Playgroup Programme especially for kids around Section 27, Shah Alam. Do contact Pn Nita 013 3628648 for details of program.
You can also visit their official website:

The Management