Sunday 21 December 2008


Yelling is a very important and great thing...if there is a fire or if you need help. Which, by the way, if you do need help you should yell "fire" and not "help". It has been shown people run towards a person yelling "fire" and away from the person yelling "help".
But yelling is terrible when trying to communicate or discipline. It shows a lack of control on your part. One of the worst things you can do is show your kids that you have no self-control or discipline. They want you to be in control because it makes them feel more safe and secure...even if they don`t show it. Plus, yelling just makes people mad.
Never screaming at your children should go without saying. However, you should never scream at anyone. Not your spouse, your employees, your friends, your yard guy or your parents. Instead, try to communicate with your words instead of your volume. It may be hard at first because many people hide behind their yelling. Screaming and fighting is a way to avoid real confrontation, which only occurs when you calm down and communicate clearly.It is easy to yell and scream.
It is hard to sit someone down, look them in the eye and tell them why you are disappointed in them. But your job as a parent is to do just that. Your children want to really communicate with you. They want to know what they did wrong and how you feel. So, you must give them that and STOP YELLING (using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in print implies that you are yelling...just so you know. Oh yeah, AND IT IS JUST AS ANNOYING HERE AS IT IS IN PERSON DON`T YOU THINK?) SO STOP YELLING!
To learn more go to Dr. Ray On Parenting.

1 comment:

Ummimusa said...

thank you for sharing this post =)